Dearest Craig Burges,

I'm happy to report that I recommended the Wednesday Audio to another person and he might possibly become a listener.

By writing this comment I anticipate it will be featured in the next episode and thus he will be too.

His name is Justin.

Do you have some sort of affiliate program? Could tie this into the previously discussed swag offering that never got off the ground.

Regards Graeme

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Dearest Craig Burgess,

A crispy piece of eclectic craftsmanship encapsulating content-counterculture. I noticed you only beep 'content' when it's not about things you do. You didn't beep 'content' at the end of the episode when you were talking about the episode. Weird dichotomy.

Please ban "leverage", this one is too causing people buzzword-bulimia.

Cordially yours,


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