The Wednesday Audio
The Wednesday Audio


The Wednesday Audio #14

Who knew we were going to climb to such dizzying heights as the fourteenth episode?

It’s pretty impressive when you consider that nearly every episode consists of absolute nonsense that I make up off the top of my head with no planning whatsoever and no editing after the fact.

I don’t know who it’d impress. Probably not you. But it’s got to be impressive to somebody hasn’t it?

In this week’s episode:

  • I discuss the tonal differences between my bell noises

  • I add more words to the B*nned Words Bin

  • I thank John (again) for another missive

  • I talk about being different

  • I make a couple of gags

Enjoy? Is that the correct turn of phrase for me to say when you’re about to listen to this?

Bye bye.

The Wednesday Audio
The Wednesday Audio
A satirical and often maniacal look at internet hustle culture through the dark eyes of Wednesday evenings. If you’re looking for self-improvement, this isn’t it.